So Many Special Families

The True Story Behind Lifemark Film: Indiana Woman Leaves Abortion Facility, Saves Life of Her Son

The room was plain: Blank, white walls; a silver table; a silver cart, a series of silver instruments laid out across the top. Melissa’s head rolled back and forth and she caught her reflection on one of the silver surfaces. Then she heard a voice: “Get up,” it said. “It’s not too late.” “I’m sitting […]

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3 Babies In 3 Years: Catholic Writer and Husband’s “Rollercoaster” Adoption Journey

The unexpected phone call came on the Feast of the Epiphany in 2018. A pregnant mother was making an adoption plan for her baby. She had some very specific hopes in mind for the potential adoptive parents. Catholic writer Emily Stimpson Chapman and her husband, Chris, fit the bill perfectly. But had they made any

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Travis was ten years old when he learned how close he came to being aborted.

To this day, Travis remembers that night. In a drunken rage, his birth mother had told him the truth. The revelation quickly escalated into a physical fight between Travis’s birth mother and uncle. “You should never have told that kid that!” Travis’s uncle told her. But that wasn’t the last time Travis would hear about

Travis was ten years old when he learned how close he came to being aborted. Read More »

Following Miscarriage, Couple Adopts 8 Children. Family Continues to Grow.

Jody Stayer was working with orphans in Romania when she heard God’s calling to adopt. It was just over a decade after the communist reign of dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu had come to an end. But the child welfare crisis that plagued the country during his rule still persisted. At the end of 1989, when the

Following Miscarriage, Couple Adopts 8 Children. Family Continues to Grow. Read More »

How One Indiana Woman Chose Life and Found Redemption Through Her Blended Family

It was a cold night in February of 1983 when 17-year-old Kelly Williams got out of bed and drove to her Catholic parish in Northeast Ohio. Lake-effect snow drifted around her in the dark as she pulled into the parking lot and set her restless eyes on the parish’s new outdoor shrine for the Virgin

How One Indiana Woman Chose Life and Found Redemption Through Her Blended Family Read More »

From Planned Parenthood Director to Pro-life Advocate and Adoptive Mom: Abby Johnson’s Story

Abby and Doug Johnson’s youngest child was just 6 months old when Abby received a phone call from her best friend who lived in Maryland. Her friend, a sign language interpreter, had an unexpected proposal for Abby. “She said, ‘Look, I know this is crazy, but I just have to ask if you guys would

From Planned Parenthood Director to Pro-life Advocate and Adoptive Mom: Abby Johnson’s Story Read More »

Couple Adopts Baby from Safe Haven Baby Box after Years of Infertility

Jennifer Melgoza was out delivering mail in October of 2019 when her phone rang. Seeing the number flashing on her phone, she knew it was the Indiana Department of Child Services. “Oh my God,” she thought. “It’s DCS again.” She quickly pulled over her mail truck to answer the call. That’s when she learned the

Couple Adopts Baby from Safe Haven Baby Box after Years of Infertility Read More »

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